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Ciceksepeti Product Cards Redesign


My Role

Product Designer


Mar 1, 2023


Figma, Google Suite, Jira

Project Intro

The product cards on Çiçeksepeti had an outdated structure that was hindering our ability to highlight the information we wanted. Therefore, we decided to design new product cards that align with a more modern and user-friendly design system. In this process, we created new product cards that are more visually appealing and informative, with a focus on improving the user experience.

What Was The Problem

Limited Space: The horizontal layout had a more restricted area compared to the vertical layout. Therefore, there wasn't enough space to display product descriptions, images, or other important information.

Readability Challenges: The horizontal layout made it difficult to read long texts or detailed information. Users struggled to easily scan the information, which negatively impacted the user experience.

Visual Balance Difficulty: Horizontal cards were challenging to use in terms of maintaining visual balance. Particularly, prominent elements like product images or promotions appeared unbalanced in the horizontal layout.

Mobile Design Challenges: Using horizontal product cards on small screens, such as mobile devices, complicated responsive design. Users had difficulty viewing horizontal cards on small screens or had to scroll horizontally to read the information.

Accessibility Issues: The product cards had accessibility issues, such as small fonts and colors that lacked contrast, making it difficult to create user-friendly designs.

Old Components

Our Solution Process

To avoid disrupting user habits, we first converted the horizontal product cards to vertical ones by only changing the layout while keeping all elements intact, and then we tested this live. After seeing a 7% increase in the conversion rate (CR) from the tests, we began conducting further tests on the structure of the vertical cards.

  1. Explorations & Research

At this stage, we conducted a detailed research and analysis process to clearly understand the current situation. We thoroughly examined the performance of the existing horizontal product cards and user feedback. We evaluated users' interactions with the product cards, conversion rates, and abandonment rates.

We conducted user research to identify user habits and preferences. Through methods such as survey-based feedback, observation, and user testing, we determined the needs and desires of the users.

We observed how the horizontal layout distracted users' attention and impacted their perception of important information. We analyzed which information stood out, which was overlooked, and the challenges users faced in accessing information.

  1. Design

To further improve the successful vertical card layout, we initiated the design process by utilizing feedback. Taking into account the feedback provided by users, we took steps to optimize the vertical card layout.

We made the necessary layout changes to convert the horizontal product cards to a vertical format. These changes were organized to allow users easier access to product information and better comparison between products.

We adjusted the layout to better highlight product information, enhance visual hierarchy, and facilitate user interactions. In line with this, we ensured that the title, price, description, and other important information were visually prominent. Additionally, we optimized interactions to provide users with a smoother experience while navigating between products.

We maintained the same order and priority for all elements (product image, title, price, description, etc.). By preserving the familiar layout, we ensured that users could easily adapt to the new format, making their shopping experience as consistent as possible.

Throughout this process, we gradually improved the design based on existing data and user feedback. We continuously optimized the design to provide an experience that better meets the needs and preferences of users.

Cactus Design System Components
  1. Ongoing Improvements

To adapt to changes in user habits and market trends, we regularly conduct tests and make adjustments to the placement of information and the interface design of the product cards. In this process, we consistently conduct user research and gather feedback to better respond to users' needs and preferences. Based on this data, we update the layout and interface design of the product cards to offer a more accessible, clear, and user-friendly experience.

Additionally, by closely monitoring industry innovations and market trends, we continuously update our design to stay ahead of the competition and meet the evolving expectations of our users.

Designed by Bugrahan Sezgin

Designed by Bugrahan Sezgin